Lab 1

Consider the table shown in Figure 1 and Code Listing 1. Try to develop a solution of the following problem? Write code using C/C++ which performs following tasks: a) Prompt the user to enter number of columns? b) Prompt the user to enter number of rows? c) Get data cell by cell from user using a loop? d) Generate an html page to display above data in a table? e) Store the page in a folder on desktop.


Lab 2

Lab 3

Website Pages for 1) Product Search 2) Customer Registration 3) Login 4) SignUp 5) Payment


Lab 4

Lab 5

Part A) Using Html server controls develop a web form that displays a rectangle {refer to book page 148}. Write appropriate event handler code that detects the location at which the user has clicked. Part B) Modify code developed in Part (A) to identify regions on the following circle: [Hint:] Use Screen coordinates, Cartesian coordinates and Polar coordinates


Lab 6

Problem 1) Develop an page that displays a list of options with check boxes (Use CheckBoxList web control). On clicking a button (web control) the page displays the selected options in a label control.
Problem 2) Develop a page that displays two text boxes and a button web control. The textboxes are used to capture number of rows and number of columns from user. (a) On clicking button, generate a table with r rows and c columns. In each cell display row,col values. (b) Optionally add features of border and image in each cell. Following figure shows a table with 4 rows and 4 columns.-
Problem 3) Develop a web form that records all page processing events in a list box as shown below.


Lab 7

Lab 7

Project Link

Lab 8

Lab 8

Project Link

Lab 9

Lab 9

Project Link

Lab 10

Lab 10

Project Link

Lab 11

Lab 11

Project Link

Semester Project

Hotel Reservation System

Project Link
Web hosting by